Grade Appeals

A student who questions the justice of a final grade must first seek an explanation from the course instructor. If the student feels the grade was arbitrarily assigned, the student may start a formal appeal of the grade. Grade appeal forms are available from the Office of Academic Affairs in Colman Library or on the Portal. The formal grade appeal is initially directed to the course instructor, then reviewed by department chair, college dean, and Chief Academic Officer. Only if the department chair, college dean and Chief academic Officer agree that a grade was arbitrary, will an Advisory Recommendation concerning a grade be made to an instructor. If the advisory recommendation is not accepted by the instructor, then a faculty ad hoc committee is formed to review the appeal and to issue a binding decision concerning the grade.

There is a presumption that grades assigned by course instructors are correct. Thus, the burden of proof rests with the student who is appealing. Appeal procedures are available only for review of alleged arbitrary grading and not for review of an instructor’s judgment in assessing the quality of a student’s work. In the absence of arbitrary grading, the grade determined by the instructor of record is final.

Arbitrary grading constitutes any of the following:

  • Instructor’s failure to notify students as to the basis of grade determination in a clear and timely manner.
  • Grading that substantially departs from the instructor’s previously announced standards.
  • Grading based on anything other than the student’s performance in the course.
  • Discrimination or prejudice.

The grade appeal shall be dismissed if:

  • The allegations would not constitute arbitrary grading, or
  • The only disagreement is with the instructor’s grading standards, or
  • The appeal was not timely (ordinarily, within the first 30 days of the semester following the grade’s assignment) or
  • The student has not provided the instructor with written notification.

NOTE: The filing of false or frivolous grade appeals may be grounds for disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct in the Rockford University Student Handbook.