Incomplete for Research Projects in Progress

Students may undertake research projects for one or more semesters for a predetermined number of credit hours. Grading will follow normal procedures unless the project extends beyond the stipulated completion time.

  • One-semester projects – An incomplete may be granted if student progress is satisfactory and the faculty supervisor agrees that an extension is warranted. Students must obtain an extension form from SAS or the Portal and return it with all required signatures by the start of final exam week. If an extension of 120 days or greater is approved, a grade of “I” will be issued and converted to a letter grade when the project is complete.
  • Multiple-semester projects – The same procedures apply to multiple-semester research projects, with separate registration and grades each semester. If an “F” grade is assigned at the end of any semester, the project will be terminated and a grade of “F” recorded for all semesters that the project is scheduled. If the same faculty supervisor is not available for the entire project, another faculty member will be designated to supervise and grade the project.