Second Master’s Degree at Rockford University

Students may be able to transfer courses from one graduate department at Rockford University to count toward graduation requirements of a second Rockford University program with graduate Program Director approval. A second Rockford University master’s degree would require at least an additional 27 distinct graduate credits of course work from Rockford University.

Internal transfer courses must be related to the particular program and must not exceed nine credits total. Students who have transferred 9 credits from within Rockford University may not transfer credits from an external institution. Students may transfer 6 credits from an external institution along with 3 credits from Rockford University, not to exceed 9 credits.

See Transferring Credit policies above regarding transfer credit from external institutions.

Students seeking a second master’s degree, must check with Student Administrative Services to determine if they qualify for financial aid.

Admission Requirements for Second Master’s Degree at Rockford University

  • Application
  • $50.00 application fee
  • Official transcripts