SPED 203G Field Experience: Special Education II

Pre-student teaching clinical experience. Observation in diverse special and regular education setting where students with disabilities receive special education services. Activities include: differentiated instruction with design, implementation and evaluation of lesson plans; observation of diagnostic team services and referral processes, collaboration of family and agency, transition planning, IEP development, implementation and evaluation, behavior planning and implementation for diverse learners. Students divide hours and placement according to schedule adaptations. Hours afford multi-setting, multi-level, multi-programmatic experiences to address federally designated populations. Undergraduates complete half of the field experience hours in a regular education setting and half in special education settings. Graduates complete all clinical hours in special education settings. Total Field Experience hours for Undergraduate = 240 Total Field Experience hours for Graduate = 120/240 Investigation of specific areas of special education including current issues and research. Completion of professional portfolios as documentation that all required standards have been met. PRQ: SPED 200 passing score on the Illinois Basic Skills Exam or the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or the ACT Plus Writing/SAT composite. Meets: N.



Cross Listed Courses

SPED 203