BSAD 363 Creativity & Innovation

In this course students will learn techniques to identify their own creative abilities and challenge the originality of their own thinking process. Utilizing tools drawn from the arts, sciences, and social sciences, this course explores the methods and practices used by innovative and creative individuals to solve complex managerial and organizational problems. This course requires high student participation and responsibility and requires you to work individually as well as in teams. Some of your learning will be through web technology in addition to the classroom. This is mainly a project-based course. The focus of creativity and innovation is to develop, expand, and heighten your awareness of the creative process. As a member of this class you are asked to put your skepticism aside and be willing to immerse yourself in state of the art methods, techniques, and exercises of the creative process. Some methods explored will be "tried and true" and others will no doubt push the limits of your creative comforts.

Scheduled: Yearly.
Meets: O
