Reinstatement and Readmission

Students who have been dismissed for poor scholarship from Rockford University, but who believe there are extenuating circumstances, may petition the Academic Standards Committee in writing for reinstatement. Such petitions must be submitted to the chair of the committee via the Registrar prior to the deadline established by the committee and must provide the following information:

  • Name, area of concentration when dropped, and the date dropped.
  • The area of concentration and the semester for which reinstatement is sought.
  • A detailed account of any extenuating circumstances which contributed to past academic difficulties.
  • An assessment of the extent to which these circumstances have been or are being remedied.

Students who have been dismissed at the end of each semester may present written petitions for reinstatement to the chair of the Academic Standards Committee via the registrar prior to the deadline established by the committee. All petitions should include the information requested above and should be supported by the student’s advisor. Petitioners do not have the privilege of a personal appearance before the committee.

Dismissed students who choose not to seek reinstatement or whose petitions to the Academic Standards Committee have been denied may submit applications for readmission after they have demonstrated academic ability by completing a semester of full-time, transferable course work (12 semester credit hours) with at least an overall GPA of “C” at an accredited community college or four-year institution. A transcript of the work completed must accompany the readmission application. Rockford University accepts credit for transfer work, but does not include the grade for such course work in the Rockford University GPA. Dismissed students may submit applications for readmission only after completing the requirement described. Their applications should include all the information requested.

The Academic Standards Committee reviews all applications and supporting documents, and decides whether or not to readmit students. Applications for readmission and supporting documents should be submitted at least two weeks before the start of classes for the semester for which students want to be readmitted. Applications received after that date cannot be assured full consideration. Applications for readmission received after classes begin will be considered for the following semester.