International Studies Minor

A minor in International Studies is useful for any student interested in adding an international component to their college curriculum and career path. This minor is useful for students studying business or in preparation for graduate or law school who intend any involvement beyond the United States along with any student with interests about the rest of the world.

NOTE: At least 12 credits of the minor must be taken at Rockford University and at least six credits must be at the upper/300-400 level. Any desired variations from these requirements must be approved by the Department Chair.

Students earning the IS minor are advised to augment it with some foreign language study, but there is no formal language requirement. In addition, any opportunity for study or travel abroad is encouraged for students interested in globalizing their education and experience.

Required Core Courses (18 credits - at least 6 credits at upper level)

Requirements List

INST 101Introduction to International Studies


INST 115World Regional Geography


Two courses from the following five courses; cannot take both in a pair

HIST 107 or 108
POLS 241 or 282
ECON 100

Two 300-400 level courses from the list of Approved Courses

 Approved Courses for Supporting Requirements of the Major/Minor

365 Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting

235/236/237 Survey of World Art 1, 2, and 3
245/246 Survey of World Art and Architecture 1 and 2

324 Conservation Biology
328/329 Intro to Marine Science

309 Public Finance
322 International Finance
356 International Business
357 International Management
361 Government and Business

102 Chemistry in Our Environment

201 Dance History
232 World Dance Forms
233 Social Dancing Workshop

120 Business in the Global Economy

309 Public Finance
320 International Economics

150 Introduction to Literature
381 Seminar in Literature (with appropriate topic)

107/108 World 1 and  2
112 US since 1945
210 Rise and Fall of European Empires
212 Modern Asia
215/216 Latin America 1 and 2
333/334 US Diplomatic History 1 and 2
350 Global Colonialisms
360 Modern Japan
363 Middle East
364 Modern China

113 Introduction to World Music
313 World Music
314 American Music

313 Contemporary Anglo-American
314 Contemporary European
335 Philosophy of Human Nature

180 Current Issues in Global Affairs
228 Intro Peace and Conflict Studies
241 Comparative Politics
250 Modern Middle Eastern History and Politics
282 International Relations
345 Topics in European Politics
347 Regional Politics
364 Public Administration
375 Environmental
386 International Organizations

280 Cross-Cultural Interaction

111 World Religions
225 Killing in the Name of God
315 20th Century Theology

228 Intro Peace/Conflict Studies
340 Sociology of War
341 Terrorism
354 Ethnic Conflict Comparative Perspective
357 Religion, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Magic

215 Topics in Hispanic Cultural Studies (in English)
379 literary and Cultural Topics in Spanish

284/285 Theatre History 1 and 2
378 Costume History
385 Theatre History 3