Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics Department

College of Science, Math, and Nursing

Filiz Dik, PhD - Dean
Mehmet Dik, PhD - Chair
Viktoriia Dobriak, PhD
Ahmed El Ouadrhiri, PhD 
Donna Ogle, PhD
Deepshikha Shukla, PhD
Susan Sorensen, PhD

Mathematics Program 
Students majoring in mathematics at Rockford University are introduced to the incredibly diverse universe of mathematics, crossing the threshold from the mechanical nature to the theoretical nature that characterizes advanced mathematics. Our students learn to think creatively using inductive logic, to discover patterns using mathematical relationships, and to connect concepts using critical thinking skills.

Computer Science Program
The Program offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Management Information Systems (MIS) and Web Development. More than ever before, businesses and other organizations depend on the effective management and maintenance of information. A fundamental goal of both MIS and Web Development is to integrate the use of computers and information with the aims of a particular organization or business.

Physics Program
Physics is a rewarding area to study because it provides the basis for much of today’s technology, and it helps satisfy intellectual curiosity. With two programs to choose from in liberal art setting with small class sizes, Rockford University provides a unique combination of expanded education and individualized instruction. The fundamental character of Physics makes it a discipline that is central to the liberal arts. The curriculum not only focuses on the laws of Physics, but it also emphasizes scientific inquiry that continues to facilitate our understanding of our universe. Simultaneously, students acquire an excellent preparation for careers that require analytical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The curriculum embraces a three-pronged approach to learning – theory, experiments and simulation/computation.