Adding, Dropping and/or Withdrawing Courses

Students may add courses for the first seven calendar days (beginning with and including the first day of classes) of the fall and spring semesters as indicated on the Academic Calendar. Students may make these changes electronically without instructor signatures. Students may not add any courses, except modular courses, after the first 7 calendar days (as defined above) of the fall and spring semesters.

Students may drop courses without academic or financial penalty with the exception of non-refundable fees for the first 7 calendar days (as defined above) of the fall or spring semesters. Students may make these changes electronically without instructor signatures. Student who withdraw from courses after the first 7 calendar days of the semester (as defined above), but prior to 21 calendar days before the last day of classes, will receive grades of “W” and will be financially responsible for the class. Students may not withdraw after this deadline.

Students should consult the current Academic Calendar to confirm the specific dates for the current semester.

Students should consult with Student Administrative Services if they have questions regarding how the add, drop or withdraw process will impact their financial aid.