Medical Incomplete


The Medical Incomplete Policy is designed for students who are unable to complete their course work and/or take the final exam due to medical or psychological illness that occurs after the last “Withdrawal with Notation” date, as designated in the Academic Calendar. A Medical Incomplete grants an extension in which a student can complete work missed due to medical or psychological illness. Consideration for a medical incomplete is on a course-by-course-basis. The instructor will determine how the student makes up missed work in the class and the deadline for completion of the work. The deadlines are set by the faculty but may not exceed a six month time frame. The faculty may indicate that insufficient work has been completed in the course to warrant a Medical Incomplete (extension) and may require the student to withdraw from the class. In this case the class must be repeated. A Medical Incomplete taken for multiple courses in the same semester is not recommended.

Petition Process

To receive a grade of Medical Incomplete (“IM”), a student must complete the appropriate petition, available in the Lang Center for Health, Wellness, Counseling and Disability Services. The student must obtain written documentation of medical necessity from the treating physician, psychologist or counselor. The medical documentation for all petitions must be presented to the director of the Lang Center or her designee. All petitions must be processed and all appropriate signatures obtained prior to the last day of final examinations for that course(s).

Before the Medical Incomplete petition is presented to the Chief Academic Officer, the following signatures must be present on the petition: a) Director of Health and Counseling, b) course instructor, c) academic advisor and d) Student Administrative Services (SAS). The instructor will write out a plan of work required to complete the course, and will attach the plan to the petition. Financial aid implications will be addressed by SAS. With the Chief Academic Officer’s approval, the petition is entered in the registration system. SAS will notify the instructor, advisor and the Lang Center that the process has been completed and the grade has been recorded.


If the student does not complete the course requirements within six months after the official end of the semester in which a Medical Incomplete was granted, the default grade will be an “F.” Students may petition the instructor for a passing grade (“P”) if enough work has been completed to warrant such a grade and the course is eligible for this option.

Extension for Medical Incomplete

Students can receive one extension of six months on a medical incomplete with a recommendation from the instructor and the advisor. Only one extension (not to exceed six months) will be granted, and the extension must be arranged before the regular six months extension expires. The extension portion of the original incomplete petition (available in the Lang Center) must be approved by the following: a) Director of Health and Counseling, b) course instructor, c) academic advisor and d) SAS. If the work is not completed by the end of the extension, the grade will become the recorded default grade. The student is responsible for initiating the request for an extension and submitting the petition. With the chief academic officer’s approval, the petition is entered in the registration system.


The student is ultimately responsible for the petition process. When a student is medically disabled and unable to complete the application process, Lang Center will intervene and assist with initiating the process until the student is able to continue on their own. The Medical Incomplete process is not finalized until the student has a letter grade in the course. The student is responsible for completing the work and earning the grade for the class. When the course work is completed, the instructor will submit the change of grade to SAS. Any exception to this policy must be submitted to the Chief Academic Officer in writing for consideration.

Changing an Incomplete to Withdrawal

Consideration will be on a case-by-case basis by the Chief Academic Officer. Any request must be made prior to the expiration of the Medical Incomplete or Medical Incomplete Extension.