Social Science

College of Social Sciences, Commerce, and Education

Dr. Debra Dew, Dean of Social Sciences, Commerce, and Education

A major in the Social Sciences provides students with a certain degree of flexibility in selecting a program of study from among those disciplines in the University. Students must take a senior seminar in one of the disciplines studied, and the major must be approved by the chair of the department in which students will take the senior seminar and the Dean.

At least 30 hours of the major must be taken at Rockford University, and at least six of the courses must be taken at the 300- or 400-level. Students may take a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in the major.

Career Opportunities

The Social Science major may be a desirable alternative to one of the departmental programs, especially for those students who plan careers in secondary teaching, social work, governmental administration or foreign commerce.

Secondary Education Licensure (Grades 6-12)

Students interested in becoming licensed to teach Social Science at the secondary level must complete all Social Science major requirements, Education 324, a minor in secondary education, additional General Education requirements for state licensure, and pass the History Content Area Test. For further information, see the Education department section of this catalog.