Classification of Students

Rockford University admits students on a full-time or part-time basis for bachelor and/or master degree programs.

Undergraduate students who want to pursue bachelor’s degrees apply to the admission office, which will determine acceptance. A high school diploma or equivalent is required, except for students admitted under the Early Scholars Program. Students not enrolled in degree programs register for courses with the graduate studies office for graduate level-courses and with Student Administrative Services for undergraduate-level courses. No more than 30 hours of Rockford University course work completed as a non-degree seeking student may be counted toward a Rockford University degree for undergraduate degree programs.

Matriculated undergraduate students, for purposes of academic standards and financial aid, are classified by credits completed as follows.

  • Students with 29.5 credits or less are classified as first-year [freshmen];
  • Students with 30 to 59.5 credits as sophomores;
  • Students with 60 to 89.5 credits as juniors;
  • Seniors must have completed at least 90 credits.

Student Administrative Services determines students’ official status and classification after the first seven calendar days (beginning with and including the first day of classes) of the fall and spring semesters as indicated on the Academic Calendar. This classification is used until the next official classification date, regardless of changes in enrollment, and applies to all policies contingent on such information.