Course Load

A normal program of courses for undergraduates consists of 15 - 16 credits (or up to eight credits in the summer session). Undergraduate students must take a minimum of 12 credits to retain their full-time status. Half-time status for undergraduates is considered to be a load of six credits.

No first-year or first-semester transfer student may carry more than 18 credits.

International students must be full-time students and must take a minimum of 12 credits each semester.

Students with GPAs above 2.5 at Rockford University may obtain permission to carry 19 credits or more during fall and spring semesters (or nine credits or more in the summer session). Rockford University charges extra tuition for each credit above 18 during the fall and spring semesters.

First-year students and sophomores on the Dean’s List are permitted to select 200- or 300-level courses if they have met course prerequisites. First-year students on the Dean’s List may take 300-level courses with written permission from the instructor.

Students who are required to take CLS courses or remedial work in mathematics may need to take courses in the summer to complete their degrees in four years. Students may choose to take lighter course loads each semester and complete a degree in more than four years. Students admitted with limits on their programs of study (e.g., conditional admits) may take no more than 16 credits (including the two-hour reading course, if placed in this course by examination).

Students should review course descriptions and specific major field requirements with their advisors. Questions about various programs should be directed to the appropriate department and program chairs.