Languages, Philosophy, Religion, and Cultures

The College of Arts and Humanities


Dr. Marilén Loyola - Spanish, Chair
Dr. Yoandy Cabrera Ortega - Spanish and Classics
Dr. Genevive Dibley - Religious Studies
Dr. Matt Flamm - Philosophy
Dr. Stephen Hicks - Philosophy
Dr. Jennifer Rea - Gender Studies and English


The Languages, Philosophy, Religion, and Cultures (LPRC) Department offers coursework that exposes students to cultural, theological, literary, and philosophical inquiry. Students will cultivate their critical thinking and analytical writing skills as they deepen their understanding of the world and its humanistic traditions. We offer courses in languages, linguistics, religious studies, philosophy, classics, culture, gender studies, and literature, as well as opportunities for internships, community engagement, and study abroad.  The LPRC offers programs in Spanish (major and minor), Philosophy (minor), and Religious Studies (minor), as well as Classics courses for General Education credit.