RU Online Programs


It’s Flexible. It’s Collaborative. It’s Affordable. It’s Convenient. 
Focused on aiding career preparation and/or growth, the RU Online majors and certificates provide a broad-based education with a focus on industry knowledge. All the majors and certificates are delivered online and asynchronously allowing learners the flexibility to focus on their education as they align with their priorities. Admission into the RU Online majors and certificates is year-round with two start dates each in the Fall, Spring and Summer. For detailed information about admission, fees, etc. please visit

The courses in RU Online are offered in eight-week sessions in fall and spring semesters. In summer they are offered in four-week sessions. The flexible online format enables working professionals, parents, military service members, frequent travelers and many more to earn a Rockford University degree.


By the end of the RU Online Program, students will be able to…
  • Demonstrate professionalism, collaboration, and effective communication through aligned presentations, group projects, and class discussions.
  • Apply critical thinking, digital literacy skills, and effective time management through group projects, presentations, and summative assignments.

Major Information
The RU Online program at Rockford University offers three major options: business management, accounting, or human services. Students need to complete 124 credits with a 2.0 GPA to graduate. Students may be able to transfer credits within any of these majors either through previous coursework or Credit for Prior Learning, however 60 credit hours must be earned from a 4-year institution (at least 30 of which must be upper-level coursework). Additionally, 30 of the last 36 hours of coursework must be completed at Rockford University, and no more than 15 transfer credit hours may be articulated into the major specific course requirements.

We value your experience and therefore award Credits for Prior Learning. Students can now earn university credit for certifications/credentials (Six Sigma, SHRM, company-sponsored leadership training, continuing education, etc.), job-related training, etc.

Management Studies, B.S.
Harness leadership abilities, cultivate interpersonal skills, and promote decision-making based on critical thinking all within the context of a liberal arts education. Build on your previously completed coursework to embrace a changing workplace, success in business management, and aspire to leadership.

Accounting Studies, B.S.
Gain a solid foundation in the field of accounting and familiarity with various accounting procedures. Learn how to record financial transactions and make managerial decisions using accounting data. Analyze and develop financial statements.

Human Services, B.S.
Understand the human services system and how non-profit systems are funded. Learn strategies for interventions with various populations and implement trauma-informed approaches to serving clients. Gain skills for collaborating and working in teams.

Certificate Information
RU Online offers seven academic credit-bearing certificates in Finance, Human Resources, Leadership, Marketing, Operations Management, Bookkeeping and Accounting, that can enhance career prospects/growth through coursework. These certificates can be stand alone or in addition to degree coursework. Each of these certificates are nine credits or three courses.