EDUC 300/EDUC 500 | Introduction to Teachingand Learning | 3 |
SPED 342/SPED 542 | Survey of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPED 346/SPED 546 | Characteristics: Students w/Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 347/SPED 547 | Adapting Instruction for Diverse Learnrs | 3 |
SPED 349 | Communication and Language Disorders | 3 |
SPED 350/SPED 550 | Diagnostic Assess of Stdnts with Disabil | 3 |
SPED 352/SPED 552 | Positive Behav Supports: Chronic Behav | 3 |
SPED 355/SPED 555 | Assistive & Instructional Technologies | 3 |
SPED 356/SPED 556 | Literacy Mthds: Students w/ Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 357/SPED 557 | Math Mthds: Students w/ Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 358/SPED 558 | Methods: Students with Intellectual Dsb | 3 |
SPED 359/SPED 559 | Transition & Students with Disabilities | 3 |
SPED 406 | Student Teaching Seminar in Special Educ | 3 |
SPED 409 | Student Teaching in Special Education I | 6 |
SPED 410 | Student Teaching in Special Education II | 6 |
SPED 490 | Prof Practices for the Special Educator | 3 |
SPED 495/EDEC 495 | Special Education Senior Seminar | 3 |