Physics Program

Dr. Deepshikha Shukla, Program Chair

Physics is one of the most basic of the sciences – it is an exploration of the tiniest and the largest structures in this universe; to discover “how things work” and to comprehend patterns that lead to understanding the laws of nature. It is our comprehension of these laws that ultimately lead to inventions and technological advancements that in most part aid in the progress of society. To be a Physicist is to be curious!

At Rockford University, we provide the foundation and tools required to hone this curiosity while preparing students for a career by developing 21st century skills. Physics is a rewarding area to study because it provides the basis for much of today’s technology, and it helps satisfy intellectual curiosity. With two programs to choose from in a liberal arts setting with small class sizes, Rockford University provides a unique combination of an expanded education and individualized instruction. The fundamental character of Physics makes it a discipline that is central to the liberal arts. The curriculum not only focuses on the laws of Physics, it also emphasizes scientific inquiry that continue to facilitate our understanding of our universe. Simultaneously, students acquire an excellent preparation for careers that require analytical reasoning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The curriculum embraces a three-pronged approach to learning – theory, experiments and simulation/computation.

Rockford University offers a minor in Physics that provides students with foundational training in Physics. Thereafter, a student can tailor his/her experience in Physics by choosing advanced courses per their interests.

Rockford University also offers a 3-2 Pre-Engineering program. The students spend three years at Rockford University taking pre-requisite courses for engineering and general education courses and transfer to an institution offering Engineering degrees and spend two more years in an engineering program of their choice. Students then earn a degree from Rockford University provided they satisfy Rockford University’s degree requirements and they earn an engineering degree from the University offering the engineering program. Students interested in this option should consult with the Physics Program chair very early in their time at Rockford University.

Career Opportunities

Physics is an integral part of preparation for a multitude of careers. While Physics is essential for other scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, engineering and medicine, physicists have been successful consultants to business, governments, entrepreneurs, secondary teachers, lawyers, video game designers – to name a few. In essence, training in Physics develops a skill-set that is lucrative to most available career paths.