RELG 250 Sex, Slavery, Society-Resurgence Modern Slavery

A complex and multifaceted problem, human trafficking is currently the second largest, fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world today. This course explores the resurgence of the sex slave trade and some of the current strategies for combating it as well as the recovery of and rehabilitation for the victims. The ties between religion, slavery and its abolition can be traced to the Quakers, among others. This work is present in the activism of many church communities today. Thus, we will examine a variety of historical, sociological, ethical, religious, economic, gender and legal perspectives. Designed to be highly interactive, the course allows students the opportunity to interact with law enforcement, psychologists, lawyers, judges, law makers, advocates, clergy, and survivors of human trafficking. Students will be invited to offer their ideas and participate in class-directed community advocacy.

PRQ: None
Scheduled: Fall, Yearly.
Meets: LOC
