
Historians study and reinterpret the past because society’s present-day concerns constantly change, and more historical sources are discovered and made available every day. These sources help illuminate the past and illustrate that history is neither stagnant nor dull. Proper study of history is not based on memorization, but on interpretation and analysis. Understanding history involves integrating ideas and narrative, as well as a consideration of the influence of individuals and social forces on human events. The student of history has to make judgments about a broad range of evidence using an array of values and motivations. While the subject matter is the past, the principal goal of the Rockford University history program is to encourage students to read and think critically and write clearly in order to more fully interact with the past, present, and future worlds.

The department offers both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. Either degree offers students a comprehensive background that embodies and enhances the liberal arts tradition. Internships in museums and other settings are available and encouraged. 

Career Opportunities

Like other majors with a liberal arts focus, a history degree prepares students for a variety of opportunities in business and other careers where critical thinking and the ability to express oneself well are valued. Any area of museum work from education to exhibits and curatorial activities is possible for students with a history major. The  major is also excellent preparation for many professional programs, including the study of law, library science, or museum studies. A degree in history can also lead to either graduate school or a career in secondary education. 

Program Learning Objectives

The History program at RU allows students to focus their major or minor on the areas of history of greatest interest to them—whether US or more internationally-focused. The program follows the learning objectives listed below:
1. Interpret global cultures and their interactions across time 
2. Command scholarly historical research skills
3. Deploy primary sources for historical interpretation
4. Respond to and engage in historical debate
5. Command historical theory
6. Formulate historical arguments
7. Write history effectively
8. Show relevance of historical discourse to contemporary society 

Secondary Education Licensure (Grades 9-12)

Students interested in teaching high school history will earn a history major, a minor in secondary education, and get licensed as social studies teachers. That will allow them to teach history, government, geography, psychology, sociology/anthropology, and economics at the introductory level, plus history at the honors and AP levels. To be eligible, students must complete all history major degree requirements, a minor in secondary education, and additional general education requirements for state licensure. For further information, see the licensure degree requirements below and in the Education department section of this catalog.